Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(26)职场霸凌怎么破?

通讯员:张欣冉    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年05月16日    阅读:    




organizational /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl/ adj. 组织的,安排的

supervisor /ˈsuːpərvaɪzər/n. 监督者,管理者


predicament /prɪˈdɪkəmənt/n. 窘况,困境;状态

allege/əˈledʒ/v. (未经证实地)宣称,指控

discrimination/dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/n. 歧视,区别对待

How to Break Workplace Bullying?


Workplace bullying is a general term used to describe the unreasonable behaviour of individuals and groups towards colleagues or subordinates in the workplace. Bullying can be covert or overt, and the negative effects of bullying not only affect the individual who is bullying, but can also lead to a decline in employee morale and a change in organizational culture. Let's take a look at what you can do about workplace bullying.


1.Keep your distance from the bully


Sometimes the simplest methods produce the best results. This is because as distance becomes greater, communication becomes less frequent.


One study showed that people were three times more likely to chat regularly with colleagues seated two meters apart than those seated 20 meters apart.


A study that tracked 2,000 employees at a technology company between 2013 and 2015 showed that you were 1.5 times more likely to exhibit bad behaviour yourself if an employee with bad behaviour was sitting near you; and that people seated within eight meters of a badly behaved employee were twice as likely to leave. People within 8 meters of a badly behaved employee were also twice as likely to leave.


2.Reduce interaction and slow down the pace of interaction


Reduce interaction and slow down the pace of interaction minimise your responses to colleagues who behave negatively at work, and if you do respond, do so calmly after a while. If you respond instantly, you are instead empowering the perpetrator of the negative behaviour.


Professor Sutton says he learned this from one of hisDoctor of Philosophystudents. ThisDoctor of Philosophystudent's previous supervisor was very emotional and would send her emails with personal attacks or call her at 2am to scold her.


At first, she would respond quickly, only to have the supervisor get the better of her. Later, she slowed down her responses, starting with a few hours before responding, then a few days, a few weeks before responding. She believes that this technique has helped her to stay on track and to complete her studies. So, slowing down your response to the bully appropriately can be an effective response to bullying


3.Switch your perspective, look at what you are going through in a positive way.


For example, telling yourself that you can't be blamed, reducing the severity of things, focusing on the good, and putting your eyes on the high ground, as Michelle Obama said: "Others fall lower, we move higher".


Other ways to shift perspective include looking at your current predicament from a distant future and telling yourself that it is nothing, that this will pass and the future will be bright.


For example, one Air Force Academy cadet wrote to Sutton to tell him that when senior students bullied him, he would tell himself that his current ordeal was insignificant compared to becoming a pilot in a few years' time. He eventually became a pilot, as he had hoped; and, emotional detachment by switching identities, as when a university administrator Sutton knew would pretend to be a doctor who specialize in diagnosing rare and extreme cases of rubbish personalities when he encountered a very sarcastic and self-righteous colleague, and would tell himself, "That's a good case!


4.Trying to turn enemies into friends


Psychologists say that there is a 'Benjamin Franklin effect'. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States, a brilliant writer, inventor and politician.


When he was young, one of his peers made a public speech attacking Franklin. Instead of scolding him back, Franklin wrote a letter to the critic asking to borrow a book he did not own. The man sent the book over.


Shortly afterwards, Franklin returned the book to the person and wrote a warm letter of thanks. Franklin said that the man "went through fire and water for me after that, and we became the best of friends, a friendship that lasted until the end of his life."


The Franklin effect is that we all like people who like us and dislike people who don't like us


5.Continue to complain if necessary


If the bullying continues and the boss turns a blind eye or is unable to intervene effectively, you can escalate the situation to a problem complaint in accordance with the company's bylaws.


I would suggest that you first contact the HR department and ask them to provide you with information on how to deal with such a situation.

If none of the above steps are effective, you can also take the matter to court under the law,allegingdiscriminationand harassment by those responsible.



In conclusion: I hope that everyone will be brave enough to say no when faced with bullying in the workplace. Don't forget that your well-being and legal rights are of paramount importance, so don't hesitate to ask for more support when it's really necessary.





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