Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(25)珍惜你邂逅的每个人

通讯员:张欣冉    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年05月16日    阅读:    




capable/ˈkeɪpəb(ə)l/ adj. 有能力的

meritocracy /ˌmerɪˈtɒkrəsi/ n. 精英领导体制

reverse/rɪˈvɜːs/v. 颠倒;使翻转

dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/n. 庄严;尊重

appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/v. 欣赏;重视

bustling/ˈbʌslɪŋ/adj. 熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的

instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/adv。 立刻马上

Daily life ---- Cherish everyone you meet


We don't meet people by accident. Every person you meet will have a role in your life, be it big or small. Some will help you grow, some will hurt you, some will inspire you to do better. At the same time, you are playing some role in their lives as well. Know that paths cross for a reason and treat people with significance.


The best teachers are those who don't tell you how to get there but show the way. There is no better joy then helping people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels higher than they ever would have imagined on their own. But that doesn't mean you have to fix them or enable them; instead, guide them to the source of their own power. Offer them support and motivation as they find their own way and show you what they're capableof. All you have to do is believe in them.


Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up. We like to think of life as a meritocracy, so it'seasy to look down on someone who isn't as successful or accomplished or well educated as you are. But you have no idea how far that person has already climbed or where they will end up. Time could easily reverse yourpositions, so be sure you treat everyone with dignity.


Appreciate those who have supported you, forgivethose who have hurt you, help those who need you.Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadershipisdifficult. Treat all people--including yourselfwithlove and compassion, and you can't go wrong. Treat people the way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better.


John Lennon once said, ‘Life is what's happening while we're busy making other plans. 'When we're busy making ‘other plans',Our children are busy growing up, our friends are busy trying to make a living, the people we love are moving away and dying, the people we meet are moving away. In short, we are missing out on life.


Many of us live our daily lives as if they were a dress rehearsal for the future. We always expect that we will meet wonderful people and wonderful things. But life doesn't always turn out as we expected Some time ago, I watched a short video about how many people we will meet in our life.It's about Frank and everyone he's ever met in his life.It's huge, it's powerful and it's intense


Life is always bustling, we will meet some people every day, will get to know some people, some and you pass by, some into your life, and you know intersection cherish this fate, cherish every person you meet even if you do not see also want to miss;Even hate, also do not hurt; Even when you get together, you have to think about leaving and life gets better because of that.



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