Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(21)网络暴力,谁是凶手

通讯员:郭思齐    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年05月02日    阅读:    



taunt [tɔːnt]v.嘲笑;数落

abusive [əˈbjuːsɪv] adj.辱骂的,谩骂的

self-loathing [ˌself ˈloʊðɪŋ]n.自我憎恨

solace [ˈsɒləs] n.安慰;慰藉

anonymous [əˈnɑːnɪməs]adj.匿名

suicidal [ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdəl] adj.有自杀倾向的

forgo [fɔːrˈɡoʊ]v.放弃

eviscerate [ɪˈvɪsəˌreɪt] v.重创某人,沉重打击某人


Who is the Killer of Cyber-bullying


On a friday night in 2016, Natalie Natividad, a 15-year-old in Hebbronville, Texas, took a fatal overdose of pills after enduring months of cyber-bullying. Most of the alleged taunts—that she was ugly, that she should kill herself—came on After School, an app that allows classmates to discuss one another anonymously.


Her suicide prompted an investigation. The app’s operators tracked which accounts had sent the abuse, while officials interviewed teachers and students. “We just want some justice,” said Natalie’s sister shortly after the death. “Whoever is bullying, I hope that they stop.”


There were no bullies to find. The inquiry revealed that Natalie had secretly sent the abusive messages to herself. Such anonymous “digital self-harm”, as researchers call it, is increasingly common. A study in 2019 found that nearly 9% of American adolescents have done it, up from around 6% in a previous study from 2016, according to an author of both studies, Sameer Hinduja, director of the Cyberbullying Research Centre and professor of criminology at Florida Atlantic University.


Why do it? Ana, a 20-year-old from Alabama, says she wanted to see if someone would stick up for her. At 14, she anonymously posted insults about her appearance to Ask.fm, a public question-and-answer site. Then she waited for other people to defend her. Her motivations, to express self-loathing and to get a reaction, are some of the most common among children who abuse themselves online.


About a third say digital self-harm achieved what they had hoped for. Riel, a university student in Georgia, says it was a useful way to counter other online abuse.


Online,where posts can lead their own viral lives and everything leaves a trail,words can be eviscerating. Often the only defence victims have is to delete their online profiles entirely. But that means forgoing a way to interact with others in a positive way.


Bullying happens where young people spend their time—at present, mainly Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and WhatsApp. In South Korea the most likely venue is Kakaotalk, the country’s most popular messaging app. A widely suggested “solution” is to forbid teenagers from particular platforms. But then they will migrate to another.、


Facebook this week announced new ways for users to avoid “unwanted, offensive or hurtful experiences”. They will be able to delete or hide a whole set of comments at once. And it will be easier to report bullying anonymously, including on another’s behalf. But bullied teenagers are unlikely to find solace in any of this. A recent survey in Britain found that 70% of them thought that social-media companies do too little to prevent bullying.



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